The Washington Post's Style Invitational asks readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are some inventive winners from a few years back:
Foreploy: any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of obtaining sex.
Fortissimoe: the musical moment produced when someone serially slaps the faces of the first-violin section.
Doltergeist: a spirit that decides to haunt someplace stupid, such as your septic tank.
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of ironic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.
Conratemps: the resentment permanent workers feel toward the fill-in workers.
Reintarnation: coming back to life as a hillbilly.
Inoculatte: to take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
Hipatitis: terminal coolness.
Writer's tramp: a woman who practices poetic licentiousness.
Guillozine: a periodical for executioners.
Osteopornosis: a degenerate disease.
Adulatery: cheating on your wife with a much younger woman who holds you in awe.
Emasculathe: a tool for castration.
Emasculatte: a coffee drink for chemical castration.
Burglesque: a poorly planned break-in. (See: Watergate)

Glibido: all talk and no action.
Antifun gal: a prude.
Vaseball: a game of catch played by children in the living room.
Eunouch: the pain of castration.
Hindkerchief: really expensive toilet paper; toilet paper at Buckingham palace.
Deifenestration: to throw all talk of God out the window.
Hozone: the area around 6th street.
Acme: a generic skin disease.
Dopeler effect: the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Intaxication: euphoria at getting a refund from the IRS, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
Crawl On
Hotch Potch English: The SNAIL ~ 'Wonderful Words: Part 2'
Created & written by Sab Will
Copyright 2012 Sab Will / Hotch Potch English ~ The Unique English Language Website
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