The horrors of our trade have long been recognised, as witnessed by the following early 17th century diatribe against learning. The spelling has been modernized:
"Out upon it, who would be a Scholar? Not I, I promise you; my mind always gave me (that) learning was such a filthy thing ... In speech is the Devil's Pater Noster: Nouns and Pronouns, I pronounce you as traitors to boys buttocks: Syntaxis and Prosodia, you are nothing but to get a schoolmaster two pence a week."
- Thomas Nash, "A Pleasant Comedie called Summer's Last Will and Testament
*The remark about boys' buttocks, of course, refers to the much honoured stick and cane method of reinforcing the learning process! And as for the salaries, things haven't changed that much after all!
Hotch Potch English: The SNAIL ~ 'Horrors of our Trade'
Created & written by Sab Will
Copyright 2012 Sab Will / Hotch Potch English ~ The Unique English Language Website
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