This must be the king of all tongue twisters. I defy you to find someone who can say this faster and faster without pretty quickly ending up just mindlessly going 'welly-welly welly-welly welly-welly welly-welly" and for some reason spontaneously cracking up into peals of laughter, English student or, even better, not.
And this is what you should say, slowly at first, and then faster and faster...
See? Told ya! Enjoy :-D
And this is what you should say, slowly at first, and then faster and faster...
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
Red Welly, Yellow Welly
See? Told ya! Enjoy :-D
Hotch Potch English: The SNAIL ~ 'Gotta Lotta Welly'
Created & written by Sab Will
Copyright 2011 Sab Will / Hotch Potch English ~ The Unique English Language Website