Here's my latest offering. As I said in Part 1 & Part 2 (and will no doubt repeat in Part 4, Part 5...): English grammar is kinda cool. And kinda crazy. But you know that.
There are rules. And there are those who break them.
And then again there are instances when something looks like it just can't possibly, ever, in a million years be correct English. Yet it is. Here are some of those. With more to follow.
Enjoy, and comment or join our fabulous new Facebook Groups for English Teachers or English Students (or both) - details at the end of the post.

1) 'I see', said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
2) One morning I shot an elephant in my pyjamas; how he got into my pyjamas, I'll never know.
3) James and Billy were asked to write about their weekend. Billy wrote 'I had some ice cream at the weekend.' James wrote 'I had had had some ice cream at the weekend'.
James, while Billy had had had, had had had had. 'Had had', had been the correct answer.
5) Have you ever noticed that read rhymes with lead, and read rhymes with lead?
Also read and lead don't rhyme. Neither do read and lead!
Hotch Potch English: The SNAIL ~ Crazy (Grammatically Correct) English Sentences: Part 1'
Created, written, borrowed or stolen by Sab Will
Copyright 2015 Sab Will / Fun English Lessons ~ The Fun English Lessons Website
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